"Did You Move in 2010?" | January 2011 Elder Update


    Did you move in 2010?

    Our Christian life ought to be marked by steady movements. While it would be nice to be able to advance immediately from an infant faith to a Christ-like mature faith, that’s not the way it works. God wants to grow us from step A to step B to step C.

    As you look back on 2010, can you see ways that your faith has matured? Have you moved from step A to step B – or from step B to step C? In the course of the past year, have you allowed the Holy Spirit to grow you to be more like Christ? Take a moment to think about it. How have you changed?

    Jesus [said]: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” (Matt.22:37)

    Now think about how you hope to change in 2011. In what areas of your Christian walk would you most like to see growth?

    • In your love for God? 
    • In your love for others? 
    • In your love for the lost? 
    • In your prayer life? 
    • In your study of God’s Word?
    • In your generosity? 
    • In the boldness of your witness for Christ? 
    • In the priority you give to God’s Kingdom over your own priorities? 

    It’s our prayer as elders that God would grow our church family in amazing ways in 2011. It’s our hope that as a community we’ll encourage and support one another, and also that we’ll hold one other accountable and very intentionally spur one other on towards growth. As you’re interacting with others over the next few weeks, ask them how God grew them in 2010 – and how they’re praying that God will grow them in 2011. And pray that the desire for change would become a reality.

    If you’re praying for God to change you in specific ways and don’t know how to take the first step, we’d love to talk with you and share some possible ideas.