Paula Cried Out to the Lord

05.01.14 | Stories of Life Change

    As I look back on my life, God was always there even when I walked away from Him. Before Christ, I was self centered, loud, grumbling and complaining. The list could go on and on. I had a Christ-sized hole in my heart.

    I Had a Christ-sized Hole in my Heart

    As I look back on my life, God was always there even when I walked away from Him. Before Christ, I was self-centered, loud, grumbling and complaining. The list could go on and on. I had a Christ-sized hole in my heart.

    I was married at 15 and by 17 had two wonderful babies who I adored. I thought I had everything I needed in life but I was so lonely. After a failed first marriage and two more after that, I realized I needed Jesus Christ.

    He was Doing a Dood Work in Me

    I cried out to Him all night January 1, 1996, “Lord, if You are real, I need You to change my cold, bitter heart.”

    I stopped cursing all the time and I became hungry to read God’s Word. I started listening to Moody Radio. He was doing a good work in me.

    Night and Day I Cried Out to the Lord

    I then joined a church with Peco, my new husband. We were rededicated, and started a life together serving Him. We were blessed with a son growing inside me. That is when my prayer life became strong. I was 42 and terrified.

    Then I contracted salmonella at seven months and again I was terrified. I spent seven days in total prayer. Night and day I cried out to the Lord to keep my baby safe and healthy. I kept believing that God works all things together for good to those who love him. “Lord! You know I love you!”

    Long story short, I had a perfect, healthy boy and God again showed me who He is! All glory, honor, and praise go to Him. Nothing is a surprise to God. He takes us through the flames and we come out not even smelling like smoke. He loves even me!

    Available for God’s Glory

    Peco and I started attending what is now Village Bible Church in November 2000. From the moment we walked in we felt loved.

    The people have from that first moment treated us like family. We knew we were home. We jumped in right away. I worked in the nursery and Peco as a Sunday school teacher.

    I was totally in love with all He was doing. We went as groups to do all sorts of things. These folks really love Jesus and have so much fun doing it. Peco and I decided long ago this is our home, and as long as He wants to use us we will be available for His glory.