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Dec 30, 2007

The Evil That We Do

Passage: Romans 1:28-29

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Keywords: evil, we, do, embracing, decisions, unholy, depravity, engaging, experiencing, destiny, unbearable


Part 15 The Evil That We Do Romans 1:28-32 This evil involves: 1. Our embracing of certain decisions that are unholy. These decisions involve: * A systematic review of God's worth * A stubborn rejection of God * A settled reaction by God * A sinful response by humanity 2. Our engaging in depravity that is unthinkable. This depravity is seen through our * Entrenched attitudes * Elevated arrogance * Evil activities As a result we are: * Morally unlearned * Spiritually unfaithful * Naturally unloving * Continually unmerciful Our experiencing a future destiny that will be unbearable. This destiny: * Comes as a result of habitual practices of sin * Involves continual praise of other sinners * Leads to an unbearable penalty for our sins


Part  15

The Evil That We Do

Romans 1:28-32

This evil involves:

1.      Our embracing of certain decisions that are unholy.

           These decisions involve:

  • A systematic review of God's worth
  • A stubborn rejection of God
  • A settled reaction by God
  • A sinful response by humanity

2.     Our engaging in depravity that is


This depravity is seen through our

  • Entrenched attitudes
  • Elevated arrogance
  • Evil activities

         As a result we are:

  • Morally unlearned
  • Spiritually unfaithful
  • Naturally unloving
  • Continually unmerciful

Our experiencing a future destiny that

     will be unbearable.

             This destiny:

  • Comes as a result of habitual practices of sin
  • Involves continual praise of other sinners
  • Leads to an unbearable penalty for our sins