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Oct 23, 2016

How Pits and Dreams Reveal the Lord | Part 4

Passage: Genesis 39:20-40:23

Preacher: Joel Badal



1.  God's faithfulness during difficult days (39:20-23; 40:1-4)

2.  God's providential plans now and in the future (40:9-19)

3.  God's assured hope in times of trouble (40:14, 20-23)

What five truths do we learn about God when life becomes a pitiful dream?

1.  The Lord is with you at all times (v. 21).

2.  The Lord gives success even in hardship (v. 23).

3.  The Lord proves His Word (40:8; 50:20).

4.  The Lord cares for His own (40:12).

5.  The Lord delivers on His promises (37:5; 40:20-23).