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Oct 03, 2021

So Close, But Yet So Far

Passage: John 3:1-21

Preacher: Bill Warner

Series:The Gospel of John


1.  Opening bookend: Darkness (1–2)
2.  What? Born from above (3–4)
3.  Why? Because flesh is flesh, and Spirit is spirit (5–12)
4.  How? By faith (14–18)
5.  Closing bookend: Light/Darkness

Points to Ponder  
1.  In God's economy of salvation, being good isn't good enough.
2.  It's possible to believe about Jesus but not believe in Jesus.
3.  It's possible to know the Word of God but not know the God of the Word.
4.  God gave the gift of eternal life to the world by giving the curse of the 
     cross to His Son.
5.  The Spirit's gonna do what the Spirit's gonna do.