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Aug 05, 2012

Set in Stone #6 (SG) - Holiday or Holy Day?

Passage: Exodus 20:8-11

Preacher: Tim Badal

Series:Set in Stone


Navigating the Sabbath as Christians Exodus 20:8-11 Navigating through the 4th commandment involves: 1. Identifying the purpose. The Sabbath was for: Resting Remembering Renewal 2. Examing the practice. The Sabbath was: Exhibited at Creation Expected before the commandments Endorsed by Christ Engaged in by early Christians 3. Understanding the problems. These become evident because: Only commandment not repeated in NT The church worships on day of the resurrection Christ reorders it Culture has redefined it 4. Recognizing the different positions. These include: Seventh Day Adventist Sunday Sabbath Non-observance Participation in the Lord's Day 5. Applying the principle. While Sunday in not the Sabbath, it is a unique day where we can focus on our:  Salvation Sanctification Service 6. Remembering His provision.


Sermon Q & A



Navigating the Sabbath as Christians

Exodus 20:8-11

Navigating through the 4th commandment involves:

1.  Identifying the purpose.

     The Sabbath was for:

  • Resting
  • Remembering
  • Renewal

2.  Examing the practice.

     The Sabbath was:

  • Exhibited at Creation
  • Expected before the commandments
  • Endorsed by Christ
  • Engaged in by early Christians

3.  Understanding the problems.

     These become evident because:

  • Only commandment not repeated in NT
  • The church worships on day of the resurrection
  • Christ reorders it
  • Culture has redefined it

4.  Recognizing the different positions.

     These include:

  • Seventh Day Adventist
  • Sunday Sabbath
  • Non-observance
  • Participation in the Lord's Day

5.  Applying the principle.

     While Sunday in not the Sabbath, it is a unique day where
     we can focus on our: 

  • Salvation
  • Sanctification
  • Service

6.  Remembering His provision.